What Do You Do at ArtonWindsor?We get together to learn new techniques, and encourage creativity.We share ideas by teaching mini-classes, doing demos and mini-presentations of techniques, and reviewing products and books. Every level of expertise is welcome, from complete beginner to experienced art instructor.
When Do You Meet?Friday at 9:30 a.m.
We take a lunch break at a nearby restaurant, and finish up between 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.Some people come late, some people leave before or right after lunch.
Everyone planning on coming must RSVP, either by email, phone, or personally to the ArtonWindsor sponsor.
In June, July and August we will meet only on the second Friday of the month.
What Will the Meeting Topic Be?We use this blog (ArtonWindsor.blogspot.com) and email to publicize tentative topics for the next meeting, along with listing any supplies you may need to bring. Each member of the group is able to post information and comments on the on the blog at any time so you will need to be sure to check the blog and your email prior to the meeting to be sure there aren't any last-minute changes.
Who Are You?We are artists, wanna-be artists, hobbyists, and "that looks like fun!" people. Our interests include painting, bookmaking, card making, rubberstamping, metal work, assemblage, collage, jewelry, scrapbooking, journaling, found objects, and any thing you do with your hands. Our styles go from completely realistic to totally abstract. We are non-judgmental but don't hesitate to state our opinions (which are often totally ignored and that's OK, too).
How Did You Start Up?We met in local classes and in art retreats. We talked about getting together to maintain the enthusiasm and energy levels we achieved by being in a group of like-minded people. The current ArtonWindsor sponsor volunteered her studio space and we extended invitations to other people we thought might be interested. At this time we have also randomly selected names from other groups and organizations and will continue to extended invitations to these people.
May I Join You?Yes and No.
Right now, based on the number of people we have currently on our list, we have a full studio.
Note: Our only limiting factor is the number of people we can crowd into the studio space. So we have started a Waiting List. Please email us (
ArtonWindsorSponsor) and tell about yourself, what your interests are and your experience level (it's OK to admit to being a complete beginner) and be sure to include your phone number. We will put your name on our Waiting List and then we will randomly pick names from the list to invite new people when our regular attendance drops down.
Can I Be Un-Invited?Yes.If you don't bother to RSVP for meetings we will use your spot to invite someone on the Waiting list. Then you have to put your name on the waiting list to get back in. You can also be Un-invited for not sharing (it's called "Give-AND-Take", not just "Take"). And we don't discuss politics or religion.
Randomly?We want to have a diverse group of people sharing their work and ideas. When we add a person from a list, either from an organization or the Waiting List, we might do something like this: "We have two spaces available so let's pick the 7th and 12th names." It's not personal, it's random.
How Can I Contact You to Ask Questions?Email the current Sponsor at
ArtonWindsorSponsor with your phone number, he/she will call or email you back.
Are These FAQs carved in stone?No.